welcome to r&r skincare!
Welcome to R&R Skincare
R&R creates clean skincare products that promote overall well-being. Our mission is to unearth the ageless beauty of radiant, healthy skin with pure African-sourced ingredients. We inspire simple daily regimens that replenish all skin types.
Our commitment to sustainable beauty is reflected in our ethical practices. Not only are our products natural, but our work uplifts and benefits the local economies from where our ingredients are sourced.
From tree to bottle, we meticulously oversee each phase of the production lifecycle, ensuring the highest quality for every item. As an essential aspect of R&R's unwavering commitment to excellence, we conscientiously source our raw materials from the women in the rural north of Ghana. Through our collaboration with these women, we guarantee exceptional produce, equitable compensation, and reinvestment in their communities.
At the heart of R&R Skincare is The Women of The Savannah Development Project (WSDP), an integral initiative dedicated to the comprehensive empowerment of rural women in the Northern Ghana communities we serve. Our unyielding mission is to forge deep, personal connections with these remarkable women, fully understanding and addressing their unique needs and aspirations. We are profoundly committed to implementing sustainable measures that foster an environment conducive to growth and development.
Our Vision
Our vision is to create a global beauty brand highlighting the essence of Africa’s amazing raw materials and turning them into everyday skin and body care products from Africa and the rest of the world!
Our Mission
Whilst sharing Africa’s beauty secrets we must be sustainable and responsible, sowing back into African soil and African people what we are taking out.