10 Ways Baobab Oil Transforms Your Skin

10 Ways Baobab Oil Transforms Your Skin

The Baobab Tree aka the tree of life is indigenous to parts of Africa and Australia and lives for over 3,000 years! The super oil, which is derived from baobab fruit seeds, is full of goodness - from vitamins to omega fatty acids and so much more.

Read on to find out why your skin will thank you for using this wonder product…

  1. Vitamin C

The Baobab fruit is said to contain 7 times as much Vitamin C strength than other citrus fruits. Vitamin C is essential for the skin – it promotes radiance and can help reduce the appearance of dark spots.

  1. Vitamin B

Baobab is filled with many B vitamins including Biotin, which helps to enhance your natural complexion and creates a healthy skin surface.

Fun fact… when your body is experiencing a vitamin B deficiency, you are more likely to get unwanted blemishes, dry skin and rashes.

  1. Omega 3, 6 & 9

Omega rich fatty acids help to nourish skin. They regulate oil production, hydration levels and reduce signs of ageing. Baobab Oil is a natural anti-ageing agent which we LOVE!

  1. Collagen

Collagen is important for our bodies as it supports elasticity of skin – keeping it plump and young. As we get older, our body’s collagen production slows down significantly. Baobab oil fights the breakdown of collagen by locking in the moisture that helps promote healthy collagen production.

  1. Non-comedogenic

Baobab Oil s non-comedogenic which means that it doesn’t clog pores. Clogged pores can lead to acne and dull skin but you don’t have to worry about hat with light, friendly Baobab oil!

  1. Calcium

Did you know that Calcium can be found in Baobab oil? Calcium is important for the skin to support efficient skin cell turn over which helps to promote healthy, bright, glowing skin.

  1. Potassium

Potassium found in Baobab oil helps to regulate water production and overall calmness of your skin.

  1. Antioxidant

Baobab oil has antioxidant properties which means this wonder oil helps to protect your skin against free radicals from outside factors including UV rays, air pollution and seasonal changes.

  1. Microbiome friendly

Unbalanced microbiome in the skin can lead to acne, breakouts, and general skin conditions. Baobab oil acts a microbiome friendly nutrient which promotes healthy, happy skin.

  1. Emollient

Baobab Oil is a powerful emollient and moisturises the skin’s surface by softening and smoothing skin.

What the science says…

Baobab oil is considered an excellent oil to improve skin barrier function by preventing reduced TEWL (Trans epidermal water loss) that occurs as a result of an impaired barrier, due to its high saturated and unsaturated fatty acid content (Kamatou et al., 2011).

 If you’re new to Baobab Oil, you can shop our Baobab Repair Oil (which contains 100% pure, cold-pressed baobab oil) here.

If you are a Baobab Oil regular, let us know in the comments how you use this wonder oil as part of your skincare routine. P.S: Instead of purchasing a new full bottle, why not purchase one of our Refill Pouches which refills your bottle a whopping 5 times (and helps the environment)?

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